Psalm 100: 1-2 : Juig tot eer van die Here, almal op aarde! Dien die Here met blydskap! Kom voor Hom met gejubel!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

On omnipotence /Oor almag

Daar is natuurlik baie filosofiese vrae rondom “almag”, soos hierdie een:

“Can a deity create a rock so heavy that even the deity itself cannot lift it? If so, then the rock is now unliftable, limiting the deity's power. But if not, then the deity is still not omnipotent because it cannot create that rock”.

‘n Ander saak wat al deur die eeue baie vrae ontlok het, is die mens se vrye wil :

“Augustine argued that God could not do anything or create any situation that would in effect make God not God. This question is in itself and in many forms answered by its own context for which it was questioned. He created you, the rock that he can move but He will not. (Free will)”

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