Psalm 100: 1-2 : Juig tot eer van die Here, almal op aarde! Dien die Here met blydskap! Kom voor Hom met gejubel!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Kerkbode se gay-debat rakende #SGV2015 van die #NGKerk

Kerkbode vra bydraes tot albei kante van die gay debat . Hier is myne: Op die SGV-konferensie wat verlede jaar by Stellenbosch se teologiese fakulteit gehou is, het prof. Louis Jonker erken dat hulle "nuwe hermeneutiese sleutels" gebruik het om krities na die SGV-besluite vóór 2000, 2007 en 2013 te kyk om by die SGV2015-besluit uit te kom. Die gevaar van eie-ontwerpte hermeneutiese sleutels is dat jy alle ander sake op dieselfde manier kan ombuig om te wees wat jy wil hê dit moet wees - dit word 'n "spanner" waarmee jy alles draai om jou te pas, soos prof. Jan van der Watt sê. Met hierdie besluit het die piepklein groepie (200 afgevaardigdes) die NG kerk buite die wêreldwye groter familie van gereformeerde kerke geplaas wat deur die eeue en tot vandag nog sê dat selfdegeslagverhoudings Bybels onaanvaarbaar is. Die heftige reaksie van kerkrade landswyd en ook hele streeksinodes vertel hul eie verhaal, asook die kennisgewings van appѐl wat ingedien is. Prof Jonker se "sleutels" is volgens hom histories en literêr en hulle het volgens hom, hulle ook op die natuurwetenskappe beroep. Deur laasgenoemde te doen, het hulle 'n streep getrek deur artikel 2 van die Nederlandse Geloofsbelydenis: "God maak Hom nog duideliker en meer volkome aan ons bekend deur Sy Heilige en Goddelike Woord." Wêreldbeeld en wetenskap, kultuur, geskiedenis, en so meer is ondergeskik aan die Goddelike Woord. God het 'n skeppingsorde waarvan ons in die eerste hoofstukke van Genesis lees. Ons lees ook daar van sy ideale plan VOOR die sondeval. Sy opdrag aan mens, dier en plant is om vrugbaar te wees, te vermeerder en die aarde te vul. Daarom het Hy geslagtelikheid geskep, by plant, dier en mens. Hoe kan daar aan hierdie opdrag van God voldoen word met selfdegeslagverhoudings.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Moving story of how Ingrid Bergman came to Christ

HOW INGRID BERGMAN CAME TO CHRIST - By J. Christy Wilson. The movie, “The Inn of the Sixth Happiness,” in which Ingrid Bergman starred, won many awards. It is the missionary biography of Gladys Aylward, who went as an English maid to serve in China. She worked with Jenny Lawson, who had started an inn to reach muleteers going into northwestern China with the good news of Jesus Christ. This was called “The Inn of the Sixth Happiness.” Besides the fives joys which the Chinese usually have, the “sixth happiness” was the Gospel. During the Japanese invasion, Gladys Aylward took more than 100 orphans by foot through the mountains on a difficult journey to safety. One of her converts to Christ, formerly a criminal, went on along to help her. But, as the enemy soldiers were about to discover them, he ran in the opposite direction and shouted, acting as a decoy to save them. As a result, he was shot and killed, but the others were saved. Gladys and the children held his funeral. There she reads the words of Jesus Christ, “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lays down his life for his friends.” Gladys and all the children finally reached the Yellow River and were safe. When Gladys heard that Ingrid Bergman was going to play her part, she was very upset because she knew this Hollywood actress and children to marry an Italian movie producer. By then Gladys was in Taiwan. She shared her concerns with Madame Chiang Kai-Shek, with whom she prayed regularly. After they had brought this before the Lord, Madame Chiang was confident that God had heard and would overrule. Ingrid Bergman was so deeply moved while playing the part of Gladys that she made a special trip to Taiwan to meet her. Only days before she arrived, however, Gladys got the flu and died. Seeing Ingrid’s disappointment, Gladys’ co-worker, Katherine Smith, asked Ingrid if she would like to see the simple room where Gladys had lived. Ingrid fell down beside Gladys’ bed and wept, saying she was unworthy to play the life of such a woman of God. Katherine then had the opportunity to lead Ingrid through the steps to peace with God, showing her that Christ had died for her sins. Ingrid prayed the prayer of repentance and received Jesus as her Savior and Lord. Only a few months later, Ingrid died of cancer. Before she died, she took part in the Easter sunrise service of the Presbyterian Church in Palm Springs, California, reading from the Scriptures the account of the resurrection. Although her movie career had won her many accolades, Ingrid’s greatest reward was receiving eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

#SGV2015 #NGKerk se mees noordelike "provinsie" (Namibië) skop af in 2016...

Thursday, January 14, 2016

#SGV2015 #NGKerk Konserwatiewes in Anglikaanse kerk staan vas